भारत में नींद न आने से परेशान हैं 10 करोड़ लोग, जानें कितनी ‘खतरनाक’ है ये समस्या

भारत में नींद न आने से परेशान हैं 10 करोड़ लोग, जानें कितनी ‘खतरनाक’ है ये समस्या

Sleep Apnea Disorder : नींद पूरी न होने से सेहत से जुड़ी कई तरह की समस्याएं होने लगती है. एम्स नई दिल्ली की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, भारत में करीब 10 करोड़ लोग नींद की बीमारी से जूझ रहे हैं. इनमें ऑब्सट्रक्टिव स्लीप एपनिया (Sleep Apnea) की समस्या पाई गई है. यह एक ऐसी बीमारी है, जिसमें … Read more

साइलेंट किलर हैं ये 7 बीमारियां…जानें इनके नाम

साइलेंट किलर हैं ये 7 बीमारियां…जानें इनके नाम

साइलेंट किलर हैं ये 7 बीमारियां…जानें इनके नाम Source link

Are You Sleep Deprived? Lack of Sleep Can Lead to These Neurological Disorders

Are You Sleep Deprived? Lack of Sleep Can Lead to These Neurological Disorders

Home Health Are you sleep deprived? Lack of sleep can lead to these neurological disorders Sleep deprivation seems to be a common problem now bringing people together. But lack of good-quality sleep affects long-term quality of life and can even pose a risk for the development of neurological disorders. Sleep deprivation is a common problem … Read more

Sleep Apnea in Women: What Happens When This Sleep Disorder is Ignored For Long?

Sleep Apnea in Women: What Happens When This Sleep Disorder is Ignored For Long?

Home Women Sleep Apnea in Women: What Happens When This Sleep Disorder Is Ignored For Long? Due to hormonal changes, women may be more susceptible to sleep apnea during pregnancy, as well as during and after menopause. Sleep apnea in women: what happens when this sleep disorder is ignored for too long? Sleep apnea in … Read more

Breathing stops in sleep with restlessness, US President Joe Biden is suffering from this serious disease

Breathing stops in sleep with restlessness, US President Joe Biden is suffering from this serious disease

American President Joe Biden is in the news these days regarding his health. The White House has shared an update on the health of the bidet. It has been told in this report that the President has been suffering from a particular disease for a long time. In this disease, along with restlessness during the … Read more

Insomnia to Sleep Paralysis, 6 Common Sleeping Disorders That Disrupt Everyday Lifestyle 

Insomnia to Sleep Paralysis, 6 Common Sleeping Disorders That Disrupt Everyday Lifestyle 

Home Health From insomnia to sleep paralysis, 6 common sleep disorders that disrupt everyday lifestyle Sleep disorders are now becoming a common health test that medical professionals deal with every day. These are not just health conditions in themselves, but can also be detrimental to other bodily functions. Types of sleep disorders that disturb our … Read more

Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways How This Sleep Disorder Impacts Overall Health

Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways How This Sleep Disorder Impacts Overall Health

Home Health Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways This Sleep Disorder Affects Overall Health This sleep deprivation can leave someone more tired and make their daily life difficult. When left untreated, it can further affect physical and mental health. Sleep Apnea: 7 Ways This Sleep Disorder Affects General Health (Freepik) Sleep and sleep-related health problems are not … Read more

Philips scraps 6,000 jobs in drive to improve profitability, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Philips scraps 6,000 jobs in drive to improve profitability, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Amsterdam: Dutch healthcare technology company Phillips said on Monday it would cut 6,000 jobs to restore its profitability after the withdrawal of respiratory devices which wiped out 70 percent of its market value. Half of the job cuts will take place this year, the company said, adding that the other half will take place by … Read more