क्या आप भी अक्सर मुंह की बदबू से रहते हैं परेशान, तो जरा संभल जाएं, कहीं ये दिल की बीमारी का मामला तो नहीं

Reason For Bad Breath: मुंह से बदबू आना हाइजीन के साथ साथ लापरवाही का मामला माना जाता है. कई लोग मुंह की नियमित तौर पर साफ सफाई नहीं करते जिससे उनके मुंह से बदबू आने लगती है. लेकिन कई बार डेली ब्रश करने और साफ सफाई का ध्यान रखने के बाद भी सांसों से बदबू आती … Read more

Bad smell coming from sweat can be a sign of these diseases

body odorEveryone sweats. People use deodorants to hide the bad smell coming from sweat. But, if your sweat smells very bad, then it can be a sign of serious health problems. It is not necessary that sweating is only due to food and poor hygiene. Sometimes excessive sweating or foul smell also comes due to … Read more

It is not common to smell of sweat, sometimes it happens due to these diseases too.

Smell In Sweating: Sweating is a common thing in the summer season, usually everyone sweats, but some people’s sweat smells so bad that it becomes difficult to stand around them, often we have such a situation during travel. We have to face it. The smell of sweat also becomes a cause of embarrassment for many … Read more

There is a bad smell from the mouth, because of this the kidney is not getting damaged.. definitely read here

Kidney Diseases: Kidney is a very important part of the body. Liver, lungs and other organs are very important for the body, but if any of these organs is disturbed, then understand what steps should be taken? Today we are talking about an important part of the body kidney. If this organ stops working or … Read more

Do not ignore strong foul smell coming from urine, pay attention to these things immediately

Cause of smelly urine: The body reacts in many ways due to the changing seasons or some unnecessary changes in lifestyle. In these, smelly urine coming from the urine is also a reason. This happens when you do not sleep properly at night, take too much coffee, tea or soda etc. Then there may be … Read more

The smell of excessive sweat comes from the body, then these diseases can happen

Body Smell Indicates Diseases: Although it is normal to sweat from the body, but sometimes there is a very dirty smell with sweat, which can be harmful for us. Sweat has no odor of its own, but it produces a smell when bacteria come into contact. The smell of sweat can be due to many … Read more

Monsoon Hacks: This is how you can remove the smell of clothes in monsoon, know these tricks

Clothes Care Tips: The biggest problem for women in the rainy season is how to dry wet clothes. Not only this, if wet clothes get wet in the rain, then it becomes an even bigger disaster because dirty smell starts coming from them. It becomes impossible to get rid of. And if these clothes are … Read more