Smoking can damage not only the lungs but also the brain

Smoking Effects On Brain: Smoking has very bad effects on our health. This can lead to the risk of many serious diseases including cancer, heart attack and stroke. Despite being aware of its dangers, some people are unable to give up the habit of smoking. By the way, everyone associates smoking with lung diseases. But … Read more

These changes appear as cigarette smoke enters the body.

Cigarette Impact On Health: Every cigarette smoker is also well aware of how harmful cigarette smoking is to health. But still it is called that it does not leave or people do not want to leave. Some people say that smoking cigarettes gives peace to the mind and mind, but they do not know that … Read more

‘Vaping’ is making life hell! If there is no alert now then these diseases will affect the skin

Vaping Side Effects: These days most of the people who smoke are moving towards vaping. Vaping is considered more dangerous for health than smoking. But still its craze is increasing among the youth. Vaping is an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette), which is becoming an addiction even for non-smokers. Its effects on health are worse than smoking. … Read more