The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this slow poison is deposited.

Sugar Consumption: The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this “slow poison” is deposited. Source link

Make the skin of rough and dark body parts soft and clean

Remove Skin Darkness: Darkness is a lovely shade of life. It has a different charm, but when the word rough is mixed with dark, the problem increases. Because roughness spoils your comfort and looks. The same thing happens with our knees and elbows. Although this problem also happens with men, but it is much more … Read more

Drinking soft drinks can reduce life by 12.4 minutes, keep distance from these things

Health News : Often we start eating food and drink things without thinking. Especially our attention is not paid at all to the food of children. On their insistence, we would give them things like chips, cold-drinks. But do you know that the consumption of these things reduces our age? Yes, consuming many things available … Read more

Make soft and fluffy rotis from stale flour, follow these tips to make

Kitchen Tips: If even after making rotis in your house, the dough remains, then do not take tension. Yes, you must have started getting this tension, this stale flour roti cannot be made very good and if it is made, then how to serve it in front of everyone. Yes, now you can become completely … Read more