This serious disease knocked, if you see red spots on the body then be careful

Measles Outbreak in Mumbai: After Dengue, now this serious disease has knocked in Mumbai., This disease has given sleepless night to the people of Mumbai. Actually, we are talking about a serious disease like measles. Which has created panic in the country after dengue. In view of the outbreak of measles in Mumbai, the central … Read more

Why do white spots appear on the skin? Know the causes and symptoms here

White Spots Remedies: If you are seeing white marks on your skin or a changing color of the skin, then it could be a problem of white spots. White spots are also called vitiligo. Some people take this problem as leprosy. However, such a mistake should not be made. It is a type of skin … Read more

Causes of white spots or vitiligo and its effects on the body, know the important things related to treatment

Vitiligo leucoderma: The problem of white spots is also known as vitiligo and leucoderma. This problem does not have any bad effect on the health of a person (Vitiligo effects on body). But those who are unable to accept it, mental and emotional problems can trouble them to a great extent (Vitiligo effects on mental … Read more

White spots on nails: If you see white marks in the nail, then you may have this disease.

White Spots on Nails Causes: Let us tell you that many diseases can be estimated from your nails. Yes, in Ayurveda, just by looking at your nails, it is told which diseases you are suffering from. Actually today we have come to inform you that if you have noticed white marks on your nails too, … Read more

If you want to get rid of dark spots then these tips will help

Skin Care Tips: Due to rapidly increasing pollution, dust and applying makeup for a long time, the problem of blackheads is seen on the face. Blackheads eclipse the beauty of your face. These dark blackheads look like a stain on your skin. Now in such a situation it is not a wise deal to spend … Read more

Get rid of dark spots on feet easily, just follow these home remedies

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On FeetBe it any part of your body, if there are stains or any spots, then you start taking a lot of tension for it that it is not spoiling your beauty. By the way, you are very conscious about the face, for which you also use things … Read more