मुंह में मौजूद बैक्टीरिया बन सकता है कोलन कैंसर का कारण, स्टडी में हुआ चौंकाने वाला खुलासा

मुंह में मौजूद बैक्टीरिया बन सकता है कोलन कैंसर का कारण, स्टडी में हुआ चौंकाने वाला खुलासा Source link

Do not ignore these symptoms in intestinal cancer, be careful

Colorectal Cancer: The liver is an important part of the digestive system. Similarly, the intestines are also a part of the digestive system. It is very important to take care of the health of the intestines. People who do not keep the food right. Consumption of contaminated things is also harmful for the intestines. Generally, … Read more

Stomach cancer occurs due to these 5 reasons, if they are included in your daily life, then leave them immediately.

Cancer Treatment: Cancer is the name of uncontrolled cell growth. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell growth. However, the reason for the lump is also uncontrolled sales growth. The worst reason for cancer is that it is not known in the primary stage and when the information is there, it is too late. Today we … Read more