पेट फूलने की समस्या से हैं परेशान, तुरंत करें ये उपाय, मिल जाएगा झटपट आराम

Bloating : पेट फूलने की समस्या काफी आम है. इसमें पेट कड़ा हो जाता है और तकलीफ होती है. यह समस्या किसी को भी हो सकता है. पेट फूलने (Stomach Bloating) की समस्या से राहत पाने के लिए घरेलू उपाय अपना सकते हैं. कभी-कभी पेट फूलने की समस्या होना सामान्य होता है लेकिन अगर यह समस्या … Read more

Digestion will be boosted without medicines, there will be no problem of flatulence and sour belching

Stomach Bloating: Flatulence, heaviness in the stomach or feeling sleepy shortly after eating food… these are some of the symptoms, which point towards slow digestion. These problems not only have a bad effect on health, the productivity of your daily life also decreases. That’s why it is necessary to boost digestion. If you want, you … Read more

Gas Problem: 5 Home Remedies For Those Who Can’t Stop Bloating or Farting

Home Remedy for Gas Problem: There are many reasons behind gas in the stomach. It is often a cause of embarrassment and often indicates indigestion or poor food choices. Considering the type of food we are exposed to in every Indian household, it is almost impossible to give up everything to curb the problem. However, … Read more