Can too much stress lead to stomach cancer?

Can too much stress lead to stomach cancer?

Home Health Stomach Cancer Awareness Month: Can Too Much Stress Cause a Tumor? This is what we know Stomach cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Read on to learn how stress, weight, and other sedentary choices can put your health at risk. Chronic stress can lead to a sedentary lifestyle (Freepik) … Read more

Can too much salt cause stomach cancer? Here’s what we know

Can too much salt cause stomach cancer? Here’s what we know

Home Health Can too much salt cause stomach cancer? This is what we know Too much of too much is bad. But did you know that excessive salt consumption can cause stomach cancer? What is food without salt? It is the key ingredient in all types of foods. Food tastes great without these little white … Read more

Can the same person get different types of cancer? Know the answer

Can the same person get different types of cancer? Know the answer

It is entirely possible for a person to have more than one type of cancer at the same time or at different times. This happens when a person has two or more different types of cancer simultaneously. Cancers can be diagnosed simultaneously or over a short period of time (synchronous) or at different times (metachronous). … Read more

If your stomach is in pain again and again, it could be due to this disease, get it checked immediately.

If your stomach is in pain again and again, it could be due to this disease, get it checked immediately.

Signs of poor digestion : Stomach gets upset due to bad eating habits. Problems like constipation, acidity and stomach ache keep occurring. This type of stomach problem can be normal. But if this problem persists for a long time, there can be signs of a serious disease. According to health experts, poor digestion can also … Read more

इस कैंसर से जूझ रहे थे ISRO चीफ सोमनाथ, जानें कब से कराना चाहिए इसका इलाज, जिससे ठीक हो जाए बीमारी

इस कैंसर से जूझ रहे थे ISRO चीफ सोमनाथ, जानें कब से कराना चाहिए इसका इलाज, जिससे ठीक हो जाए बीमारी

<p style="text-align: justify;">भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (इसरो) के चीफ एस सोमनाथ Aditya-L1 के लॉन्च के दौरान पेट के कैंसर का पता चला. रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक &lsquo;चंद्रयान-3 मिशन लॉन्च के दौरान कुछ स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं थीं. सोमनाथ को जब कैंसर का पता चला था तब उनके परिवार को बड़ा झटका लगा. पेट के कैंसर का पता चलते … Read more

देर तक बैठने से भी हो सकती है कैंसर जैसी जानलेवा बीमारी

देर तक बैठने से भी हो सकती है कैंसर जैसी जानलेवा बीमारी

देर तक बैठने से भी हो सकती है कैंसर जैसी जानलेवा बीमारी Source link

तंबाकू ही जरूरी नहीं है, देर तक बैठे रहने से भी हो सकता है कैंसर

तंबाकू ही जरूरी नहीं है, देर तक बैठे रहने से भी हो सकता है कैंसर

<p style="text-align: left;">अक्सर हम सुनते हैं कि तंबाकू के सेवन से कैंसर का खतरा बढ़ता है, लेकिन आधुनिक लाइफस्टाइल में एक और आदत है जिसे हम अनदेखा कर रहे हैं, वह है लंबे समय तक बैठे रहना. आज के डिजिटल युग में, जहां अधिकांश काम कंप्यूटर और डेस्कटॉप पर बैठकर किए जाते हैं, वहां घंटों … Read more

How to Differentiate Between Stomach Ache and Stomach Cancer Symptoms? Expert Speaks

How to Differentiate Between Stomach Ache and Stomach Cancer Symptoms? Expert Speaks

Home Health How to Differentiate Between Stomach Ache and Stomach Cancer Symptoms? Expert Speaks Frequent stomach ache? It may also be a sign of stomach cancer. Expert reveal the difference between normal abdominal pain and stomach cancer symptom. DOCTOR VERIFIED Stomach cancer is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the third leading cause of … Read more