गर्मियों में क्यों बढ़ जाती है पेट की गर्मी? इन लोगों को रखना चाहिए खास ख्याल

Stomach Heat Symptoms: गर्मियों में सेहत से जुड़ी कई सारी समस्याएं परेशान करती है. शरीर में पानी की कमी और डिहाइड्रेशन की दिक्कत होती है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट अक्सर कहते हैं कि ढेर सारा पानी पीएं, नारियल पानी, फल खाएं ताकि शरीर में पानी की कमी न हो. आज हम आपको इस आर्टिकल के जरिए पेट में … Read more

If you are troubled by heartburn, then follow this trick, which has been told by Ayurvedic Vaidya

Heartbrun and Acidity: If suddenly there is burning sensation in the chest or heat in the stomach, then you can cure it in a very easy way without taking any medicine. Here we are telling you some such fun tricks, which have been shared with us by Dr. Surendra Singh Rajput. He is an Ayurvedic … Read more

Follow these 3 home and effective remedies to avoid the problem of acidity

DIY Solution For Acidity: Heartburn and acidity in the stomach, these problems keep happening every day. To avoid this situation, most people take English medicines so that there is no effect on the work and get immediate relief. However, taking medicines like this without asking a doctor harms health. And English medicines also give some … Read more

Mouth is burning after eating spicy food, then drink this drink immediately, it will calm the burning sensation.

Toung And Throat Burning: After eating food, people often have a problem of burning in the tongue and throat, who like to eat more spicy food. The biggest problem is for those who sometimes taste more spicy food because of the taste. In such a situation, the problem of burning tongue, burning sensation in the … Read more

Eliminate the problem of acidity by eating these tasty foods, you will get instant relief

Home Remedies For Acidity: If there is acidity all the time, then you eat chenna rasgulla or say white rasgulla in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure to extract its juice before eating, otherwise you will not get the full benefit. By doing this method every day, the problem of acidity goes away. … Read more