Acidity only begins after a fried account? These home remedies will work

Acidity only begins after a fried account? These home remedies will work

Acidity home remedies : To get up in the morning sleeping in the night, we eat all kinds of things. But to digest them, the stomach must work hard. For this reason, several times problems such as constipation, gas, the blotter occur. When our stomach digestion, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane gas are produced, which … Read more

These delicious foods protect against diseases caused by the summer season

These delicious foods protect against diseases caused by the summer season

Summer Special Ayurvedic Foods: In the summer season, there is less desire to eat food while cold beverages and light snack type foods attract a lot. However, whenever it comes to snacks or something light-hearted, our attention goes to the chips, namkeen etc. found in wrappers. However, their consumption causes great harm to the body. … Read more