सूजन से लेकर कब्ज तक: मानसून के दौरान पेट में होने ये कीड़े बढ़ाती हैं मुश्किलें

<p>मानसून का मौसम कई तरह की गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल गड़बड़ियों के साथ आता है. पेट में कीड़े जैसे सूजन, कब्ज, उल्टी और दस्त इस मौसम में आम हो सकते हैं और शिशुओं से लेकर बुजुर्गों तक किसी को भी प्रभावित कर सकते हैं. हालांकि ये आम पेट के कीड़े थोड़ी मुश्किलें पैदा कर सकते &nbsp;हैं, लेकिन वे … Read more

If you are eating a lot of raw mangoes by applying salt in summer, then know the serious damage caused by it.

Side Effect Of Raw Mango: As soon as the summer season comes, there is a glut of mangoes in the market. Everyone wants to taste juicy mangoes. Along with ripe mangoes, people also like to eat raw mangoes. Sour in taste, raw mangoes are eaten by applying salt. Raw mango chutney is made in many … Read more

Not only beneficial, beetroot can also harm the body, this problem can be related to kidney

Beetroot Side Effects: Beetroot is a superfood. Beetroot rich in beta-carotene and iron is counted among the foods that provide relief in anemia and period related problems. Apart from this, eating beetroot also gives many benefits. Vitamin C is found in plenty in beetroot which helps in keeping you away from many diseases. Most people … Read more

Amla powder is a panacea to clean the stomach, consume it like this

Constipation: If the stomach is not cleaned properly in the morning, then there is heaviness in the body throughout the day. Some people start having digestive problems and some people have to face embarrassment due to gas. In such a situation, it is very important to clean the stomach properly in the morning, not only … Read more

Digestion will improve and constipation will go away, do these measures after eating

Avoid indigestion and bloating: After eating food, there is discomfort in the stomach, bloating, gas or heaviness, then all these symptoms are a sign that your digestion is not being done properly. Used to be. The digestive system is working at a slow pace and it needs your extra support in a weak condition. Here … Read more

Do not eat these things to avoid the feeling of bloating

Bloating Issue: Heaviness in the body after eating food, flatulence, hardening of the stomach due to gas (Gas), constipation, sudden feeling of fat (Fat), condition like This is called bloating. Most of the people have the problem of bloating. Even those people who take healthy diet. Now you are thinking that when those who eat … Read more