What is the cost of Abdominoplasty surgery, know the best hospital for it! – GoMedii

Abdominoplasty is also called tummy tuck surgery in other words. This is a surgery in which the size of the stomach is normalized. Due to which the excess fat or fat stored in the stomach gets removed. Abdominoplasty is performed to tighten the abdominal muscles to remove fat, excess loose skin and improve the shape … Read more

Patient Story: Vikas undergoes heart bypass surgery in Medanta! – GoMedii

In today’s time, due to the deteriorating lifestyle of the people, heart-related diseases are seen in many people. In earlier times, heart related diseases used to happen to old people, but in today’s time it is also seen in young people. There are many types of diseases related to the heart, in which the patient … Read more

Which are the best hospitals for breast surgery, where to get treatment? -GoMedici

Due to the deteriorating lifestyle of women in this rapidly changing era, they are prone to breast cancer in their lifetime. The risk increases with age, with about 77% of women over the age of 50. In case of breast cancer, if breast surgery is done on time, then the life of that woman can … Read more

What diseases do doctors treat with craniotomy surgery? – GoMedii

Brain tumor can happen to people of any age. If the brain tumor patient is operated on time, then the doctor believes that he gets up to 80 percent success in it. Actually brain tumor means a lump in the brain. On the basis of its symptoms, it is detected after examination by the doctors. … Read more

Exercise before surgery may help shrink tumours faster

Prehabilitation exercise may increase the impact of chemotherapy given to patients with cancer of the digestive tract (esophagus) to shrink the tumor before surgery, reveals the first study of its kind, published online in the journal British Journal of Sports Medicine. Tumor shrinkage was greater in those who exercised than in those who did not, … Read more