If there is continued swelling in the hands and fingers, this is a sign of this disease, do these things immediately.

If there is continued swelling in the hands and fingers, this is a sign of this disease, do these things immediately.

Some people often experience swelling and itching in their hands and feet. Today we will talk in detail about the reason behind this and the diseases related to it. Such problems can happen to people of any age. But with age, this disease becomes more and more problematic. A serious illness that occurs when sodium … Read more

Hypothyroidism: 6 Foods to Avoid When Dealing With Thyroid

Hypothyroidism: 6 Foods to Avoid When Dealing With Thyroid

Home Health Hypothyroidism: 6 Foods to Avoid When Dealing with Thyroid From organs to glands, our bodies depend on many things for optimal function. Among these is the thyroid gland, which helps regulate heartbeat, digestive function, and more. QWhen these From organs to glands, our bodies depend on many things for optimal function. Among these … Read more

Weight Loss: 6 Effective Tips For Pre-Diabetes & Hypothyroidism Patients

Weight Loss: 6 Effective Tips For Pre-Diabetes & Hypothyroidism Patients

Home Health Weight loss: 6 effective tips for patients with prediabetes and hypothyroidism The three main pillars of weight loss are nutritious food, moderate portions, and regular exercise. But you may need to take extra precautions if you have prediabetes and hypothyroidism. Weight loss: 6 effective tips for patients with prediabetes and hypothyroidism Tips to … Read more

These symptoms appear when thyroid hormone increases or decreases

These symptoms appear when thyroid hormone increases or decreases

Thyroid In modern times many women and men are suffering from thyroid. There can be many problems due to the decrease and increase of thyroid hormone in the body. Therefore, try to control the thyroid hormone in the body. There can be many reasons for thyroid hormone imbalance, including diet and poor lifestyle. Symptoms such … Read more

Expert Shares How Acupuncture Can Help in Restoring Thyroid Balance in Body

Expert Shares How Acupuncture Can Help in Restoring Thyroid Balance in Body

In India, thyroid disorders are one of the most common health concerns. More than 42 million people suffer from various types of thyroid disorders. In India, one out of every 10 people has thyroid problems like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer. About 60 percent of such cases go undiagnosed.Also read – 5 Reasons Why … Read more