दिनभर में आप कितनी चाय पीते हैं? दो, तीन, चार या पांच… कितनी होती है खतरनाक

दिनभर में आप कितनी चाय पीते हैं? दो, तीन, चार या पांच… कितनी होती है खतरनाक

दिन की शुरुआत चाय से हो जाए तो मजा आ जाता है. ऐसे कई लोग हैं जिन्हें हम चाय के दीवाने का नाम देते हैं. वहीं भारत एक ऐसा देश है जहां लोगों के दिन की शुरुआत चाय से होती है. यहां कई लोग ऐसे हैं, जो सुबह शाम नहीं बल्कि दिनभर चाय का सेवन … Read more

Cold tea becomes the home of bacteria, fungus, if you reheat it then there are so many disadvantages

Cold tea becomes the home of bacteria, fungus, if you reheat it then there are so many disadvantages

Tea Side Effects On Body: People are very fond of drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s eyes do not open without tea. He wants tea in the morning. Apart from this, there are many people who need tea several times a day. Drinking too much tea can do harm. This causes … Read more

There are so many disadvantages of drinking tea on an empty stomach, then when is it beneficial to drink tea?

There are so many disadvantages of drinking tea on an empty stomach, then when is it beneficial to drink tea?

Tea Side Effects On Body: People are crazy about drinking tea in the country and the world. Many people’s day is not complete without drinking tea. Caffeine and tannin are found in tea and coffee. As soon as you drink tea or coffee, immediately you feel energy due to caffeine and tannin. Gradually this tea … Read more

It tastes good in the cold, but there are many disadvantages of drinking too hot tea! know this also today

It tastes good in the cold, but there are many disadvantages of drinking too hot tea!  know this also today

There will be very few people who drink tea cold. People try that no matter how many times it has to be heated, but the tea should be boiling. This increases the taste of tea sip. But always hot tea, lovers of hot tea should also be aware of its dangers. Where hot tea damages … Read more

Be careful tea lovers, these diseases secretly go home

Be careful tea lovers, these diseases secretly go home

Tea Market: You must have seen the lovers of tea. His eyes do not open in the morning without a cup of tea. Some people are so fond that they need to ship tea every hour. Some get energy by drinking tea and some get relief from tension, but do you know that if you … Read more