Does brushing also damage teeth? Know the answer

Does brushing also damage teeth? Know the answer

Brush your teeth : Very often, in the rush, people forget to brush their teeth in the morning. For this reason, we continue to feel strange throughout the day. Because of this, oral health may deteriorate. Taking care of your teeth reduces the risk of serious illnesses. This also keeps teeth and gums healthy. A … Read more

If you suffer from sore gums, adopt these habits today.

If you suffer from sore gums, adopt these habits today.

To be healthy, it is not only necessary to have strong muscles, our gums are also a sign of it. Strong gums not only support the teeth, but also contribute significantly to the entire jaw. If your gums are weak, you can make them healthy and efficient by doing a few simple things. Know 5 … Read more

Are people hesitant to talk to you? Is the bad smell coming out of your mouth the reason?

Are people hesitant to talk to you? Is the bad smell coming out of your mouth the reason?

You are very friendly. Your behavior is very good. You are famous among people, yet people move away while talking to you. The reason for this may also be the bad smell coming out of your mouth. In fact, if we look at the statistics, about 55 percent of people in the world suffer from … Read more

After how many months should you change your toothbrush, otherwise you risk getting sick?

After how many months should you change your toothbrush, otherwise you risk getting sick?

Oral Health: How Many Months Should You Change Your Toothbrush Or You Risk Getting Sick? Source link

पीले दांतों की वजह से आती है शर्म, तो ये उपाय 15 दिन में कर देंगे दांत साफ

पीले दांतों की वजह से आती है शर्म, तो ये उपाय 15 दिन में कर देंगे दांत साफ

पीले दांतों की वजह से बहुत लोग घुलने मिलने से कतराते हैं. ऐसे कई कारण है जिससे दांत पीले पड़ जाते हैं, जैसे – नियमित रूप से ब्रश न करने से दांत पर प्लाक जमा हो जाता है और दांत पीले दिखने लगते हैं. इसके अलावा धूम्रपान, चाय, कॉफी, वाइन भी इसकी वजह हो सकती … Read more

7 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

7 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Eating a healthy diet is essential for overall health, including oral health. Here are the top 7 foods for healthy teeth and gums. A healthy diet crucial for Teeth and Gums. New Delhi: Eating a healthy diet is essential for overall health, including oral health. Here are the top 7 foods for healthy teeth … Read more

Dental Flossing Fact or Myth? Expert Explains The Right Way to Clean Your Teeth

Dental Flossing Fact or Myth? Expert Explains The Right Way to Clean Your Teeth

Home Health Dental floss Fact or myth? Expert explains the correct way to clean your teeth Is flossing really necessary or is it just a facade? Check out the correct way to clean your teeth and maintain your dental hygiene. An expert on flossing facts or myths explains the right way to clean your teeth … Read more

You are embarrassed to laugh because of yellow teeth, so start doing this work at home from today itself.

You are embarrassed to laugh because of yellow teeth, so start doing this work at home from today itself.

Teeth Whitening Tips: The beauty of your face reflects in your lovely smile. With the smile on your face, you win people’s hearts. But if your yellow teeth are obstructing your smile, then how bad it would feel… Sometimes not brushing properly or eating wrongly makes your white teeth yellow. Some people have yellow teeth … Read more