How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression

How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression

Research has linked sweetened beverages—both sugar and artificially sweetened—with an increased risk of depression, the highest risk being associated with diet fruit drinks and diet soda Another study found adolescents who had elevated levels of sodium and low levels of potassium in their urine—two factors indicative of a diet high in junk food and processed … Read more

Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Supplements

Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Supplements

Inflammation is a key contributor to nearly all chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and obesity Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of virtually all disease. While inflammation is a perfectly normal and beneficial process that occurs when your body’s white blood cells and chemicals protect you from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses, it leads … Read more

Few Americans Have Good Cardio Metabolic Health

Few Americans Have Good Cardio Metabolic Health

Cardiometabolic health encompasses a spectrum of conditions and risk factors. Issues in cardiometabolic health are one of the biggest burdens on the health care system and modern society. The progression from a society in which most people were moving throughout the day to one where many people spend an average of 10 hours a day … Read more

Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements

Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements

In the video above Alexis Baden-Mayer, political director for the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), interviews Gretchen DuBeau, the executive and legal director for the Alliance for Natural Health, who in addition to being a lawyer also has a master’s degree in applied healing arts, talk about Big Pharma’s efforts to eliminate one of its greatest … Read more

Breathe Yourself to Better Balance

Breathe Yourself to Better Balance

How to build stress resilience with breath training—and the help of your wearable fitness tracker We all have off days: times when we’re jumpy, irritable, or overworked. Sometimes, prolonged periods of high pressure catch up with us. Before we know it, we become less adaptable, and our range of responses to challenging situations becomes more … Read more