Quit Smoking! WHO Releases First-Ever Treatment Guidelines to Stop Tobacco Usage in Adults

Home Health Quit smoking! WHO publishes first treatment guidelines for smoking cessation in adults The World Health Organization has recently published its first guidelines for tobacco cessation treatment. Smoking is an addiction that requires the utmost determination to quit. Smoking is one of the most common forms of tobacco use. Tobacco contains several cancer-causing chemicals … Read more

Tobacco’s Devastating Impact on India Revealed

Analyzing the years of life lost to cancer, the team found that the four preventable risk factors resulted in over 30 million years of life lost each year.Smoking tobacco had by far the biggest impact — leading to 20.8 million years of life being lost, the study said. Across the globe, cancer is increasingly impacting … Read more

मुंह के कैंसर का सबसे बड़ा कारण बन गया है तंबाकू, जानिए कैसे करता है बॉडी को ‘खोखला’

Oral Cancer: यूं तो सरकार किसी भी तरह के धूम्रपान के खिलाफ काफी अभियान चलाती है लेकिन इसके बावजूद लोग तंबाकू (Tobacco) का बहुत ज्यादा सेवन करते हैं. आपको बता दें कि तंबाकू के सेवन से मुंह के कैंसर (Oral cancer) के मामले तेजी से बढ़े हैं. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स ने अनुमान लगाया है कि दुनिया भऱ … Read more

Mother’s Tobacco Addiction Elevates Nicotine Levels in Newborn

In a desperate attempt to save his life, doctors transferred him to a tertiary neonatal hospital in Ahmedabad. Initially it was assumed that it was a case of birth asphyxia, but the medical team discovered something unexpected. The newborn’s critical condition was attributed to extremely high levels of . Shockingly, the boy’s nicotine levels were … Read more

Mother used to consume tobacco, high level of nicotine was found in the newborn after birth, the doctor was also surprised

Tobacco Side Effects : ‘Tobacco consumption is harmful’… this line passes around our ears countless times. Many times people are warned about the ill effects of tobacco, but very few people are affected by it. A surprising case is coming out from Gujarat. Where the effect of the mother’s tobacco consumption has been seen on … Read more

More Minors Getting Addicted to Tobacco, Reveals Study

Bhavna B. Mukhopadhyay, CEO of the Indian Voluntary Health Association, said: “The Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-2017 says that approximately 27 million people use tobacco in our country and approximately 12 million people die every year due to tobacco-related diseases. The average age of initiation of tobacco use in India is 18.7 years. Men start … Read more

Not only cancer, tobacco and e-cigarettes can cause serious Covid risk, know how?

A new study has shown that smoking and smoking electronic cigarettes can put healthy people at risk of developing dangerous and serious corona infection. According to this study published in the Journal of Molecular Medicine, smoking as well as vaping (smoking electronic cigarettes) can increase the problem of inflammation in people as well as increase … Read more