जान लीजिए ब्रश करने का सही तरीका वरना वक्त से पहले टूट जाएंगे दांत

Health Tips: जान लीजिए ब्रश करने का सही तरीका वरना वक्त से पहले टूट जाएंगे दांत Source link

जानिए क्यों जॉइंट फैमिली के लोगों को बाथरूम में नहीं रखना चाहिए टूथब्रश

जानिए क्यों जॉइंट फैमिली के लोगों को बाथरूम में नहीं रखना चाहिए टूथब्रश, हो सकती हैं गंभीर दिक्कतें Source link

How to know which toothbrush is good for teeth?

Our day starts with brushing. But often we are careless in choosing the right brush for ourselves. By using a right and good brush, we can save ourselves from many major diseases. We can stay away from problems like sensitivity, pyorrhea, plaque, cavity and worms on the teeth. In such a situation, before taking the … Read more

After getting sick it is also necessary to change toothbrush like bedsheet, infection can attack again

Why You Should Change Toothbrush: As such, people in the family keep falling ill and when there is a disease in the house, keeping in mind the hygiene, you must definitely clean the bed sheet, pillow and other things after its recovery. Keeping the infection in mind, these things should be changed so that the … Read more

Is it okay to wet the brush with water before applying toothpaste? Isn’t this dangerous? learn

Brushing Teeth Rules: Every morning people choose to brush first after waking up. Some people first apply toothpaste on the brush and then pour water on it, while some people first soak the brush in water and then apply toothpaste. You may also choose one of these options. But do you know which method is … Read more

This is how brushing is done, know

Oral Health: It is said that if your smile is good then it can make someone’s day. Shining herpes work to add charm to a good smile. If your teeth appear yellow or dirty, then they give a wrong impression of you to the person in front of you. Bad teeth not only spoil your … Read more