Why Risk of UTI Increases in Summers? 5 Symptoms and Prevention to Know

Home Health UTI in summer: Why does the risk of UTI increase in hot climates? 5 Symptoms and Prevention to Know UTI or urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of the urinary bladder. Although it is a common condition, it is said that women are more prone to this health problem. The … Read more

Urinary Tract Infection: Why Women Are at Higher Risk to UTIs? Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Home Health Urinary Tract Infection: Why are women at higher risk of UTIs? Signs, symptoms and treatment Women should be vigilant and seek timely intervention if they suffer from a urinary tract infection, as it can lead to serious health problems in the future. Urinary Tract Infection: Why are women at higher risk of UTIs? … Read more

Urine infection has troubled you? So following these tips will give you relief

Urine Infection Symptoms: Most women are troubled by urine infection. This infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract, causing symptoms such as pain during urination, frequent urination, and pelvic pain. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat UTIs, but prevention is important to avoid recurrent infections. A good diet is the best medicine. Home remedies … Read more

Is frequent urination a ‘red flag’? What is its cause and symptoms

Urination Problem: Urine not only helps to remove waste material from our body, but it also reveals many such things about our health, which are very important to know on time. Not only this, urine can also help us a lot in detecting many diseases. Many diseases that develop in the body can be identified … Read more

Bladder bursts by stopping urination… what happens and what will happen if it bursts?

Urinary Tract Infection: Stomach problems sometimes become serious. Urine problem or urinary tract infection is also one of such problems. It is important to have urine on time. A normal person goes for urine 4 to 5 times in winter and 3 to 4 times in summer. Passing urine is a routine process. Going to … Read more

Urine coming again and again, is there any indication of these diseases?

Urinating is a routine process of daily life. The doctor himself says that urine should be taken on time. Don’t try to stop it. Due to this, the sac of urine can burst at the internal level. Sometimes this problem can even cost life. But then the urine becomes abnormal. When it started coming again … Read more