नॉर्मल और वायरल फीवर में अंतर कैसे पहचाने? जानें ये आसान तरीके

Difference Between Normal And Viral Fever : मौसम में आ रहे बदलाव के कारण खांसी, जुकाम और बुखार जैसी आम बीमारियां लोगों को होना आम बात हो गया है. जब मौसम बदलता है तो हमारा शरीर भी उससे प्रभावित होता है. ये में  बीमारियों से लड़ने के लिए रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता कमजोर हो जाता है. … Read more

Weather is changing fast so keep these things in mind

Health And Fitness: The weather is changing a lot these days. It is very cold in the morning. So there is strong sunlight in the afternoon. Due to which the heat increases. It gets colder in the evening. Because of which warm clothes, quilts and blankets have to be worn. Due to this sudden change … Read more

This recipe is a panacea for viral fever, you will get instant relief

Viral Fever Remedies: With the changing season, many types of diseases can occur. Especially due to rain and sometimes sunlight, people’s immunity is affected, due to which people are more likely to get many types of viral diseases. To reduce viral fever, doctors resort to many types of medicines. Along with this, you can also … Read more