Candida Auris Outbreak: Know About This Fatal Fungal Infection Spreading Like Wildfire in the USA

Home Health Candida Auris Outbreak: Know About This Fatal Fungal Infection Spreading Like Wildfire in the USA Candida Auris is a another virus that spreading rapidly in US and health authorities have already raised concerns. Here is all you need to know and be mor aware about this infection. Another day, another virus growing exponentially. … Read more

Does Diabetes Make Lung Infection Worse? Here is What New Research Says

Home Health Does Diabetes Make Lung Infection Worse? Here is What New Research Says According to researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science, high blood sugar levels may restrict the immune response of lungs. Does Diabetes Make Lung Infection Worse? Here is What New Research Says (Freepik) In people with diabetes, high levels of blood … Read more

What is Mpox, Viral Infection That Claimed a Life in Japan? All You Need to Know

Home Health What is Mpox, Viral Infection That Claimed a Life in Japan? All You Need to Know Japan reported a death due to Mpox. Earlier known as monkeypox, it is a flu like infection that causes lesions and can turn fatal. Mpox, previously referred as monkeypox, has been detected in Japan. Japan’s health ministry … Read more

What is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Viral Infection Spreading in Kolkata? All You Need to Know

Home Health What is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Viral Infection Spreading in Kolkata? All You Need to Know Hand, foot and mouth disease cases are rising in Kolkata at a rapid rate and children are more vulnerable to this viral infection. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Viral infections are on a steep rise, especially … Read more

Monsoon Health: 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity to Combat Viral and Flu Season

Home Health Monsoon Health: 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity to Combat Viral and Flu Season Monsoon season entails a host of diseases and it is imperative to boost our immunity systems. And this is not just eat right and exercising everyday, there are other things that specifically are important to practice during rainy season. … Read more

आई फ्लू से बचने और इलाज का ये है आसान तरीका, जान लीजिए कैसे ठीक हो सकता है आई फ्लू

<div dir="auto" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Eye Flu Prevention</strong>: मानसून के समय की आम परेशानी होती है आंख आना यानी कि जिसे आई फ्लू कहते हैं. ये तकलीफ आंखों के लाल होने से&nbsp; शुरू होती है. और, उसके साथ आंखमें खुजली, चुभन और कई बार सूजन भी आ जाती है. आई फ्लू, जिसे कंटंक्टिवाइटिस भी कहते हैं, उसके … Read more

Viral Infection in India: 7 Ways to Strengthen Lung Health Amid Rising COVID-19, H3N2 Cases

Home Health Viral infection in India: 7 ways to strengthen lung health amid rising COVID-19, H3N2 cases Both COVID-19 and H3N2 are respiratory diseases that directly affect our lungs. In severe cases, people have reported respiratory problems and even developed pneumonia. Viral infection in India: 7 ways to strengthen lung health amid rising COVID-19, H3N2 … Read more

Sleep Deprivation: Less Than 7 Hours of Sleep Can Cause THESE 6 Health Problems

Home Health Are you sleeping less than 7 hours? Lack of sleep can make you vulnerable to THESE 5 health problems Flu infections are already on the rise, and lack of sleep can make you more susceptible to catching it. Here is how. Are you sleeping less than 7 hours? Lack of sleep can make … Read more