Vitamin b12 deficiency: हाथ पैर में झुनझुनी और चेहरे का पीलापन, इस विटामिन की कमी के हैं लक्षण

Vitamin b12 deficiency: हाथ पैर में झुनझुनी और चेहरे का पीलापन, इस विटामिन की कमी के हैं लक्षण Source link

Vitamin Deficiencies: The tongue gives these signals when there is a deficiency of this vitamin in the body.

Vitamin B12 and B9: Just as symptoms start appearing in the body when there is a disease, similarly the shape of your tongue also starts indicating when there is a deficiency of vitamins in the body. Wrinkling of the tongue can also be a deficiency of vitamins. You may fail to meet the vitamin requirement … Read more

Due to the appearance of tongue like this, there may be deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, fill it with these things

Vitamin B12: Vitamins are considered very important for our body. The production of vitamins in our body is very less. In such a situation, it is necessary to fulfill the necessary vitamins for the body through food items. Different vitamins are needed to keep the body healthy, so that many serious problems can be overcome. … Read more