Try drinking the juice of this leaf once, fat will melt like butter.

Curry Leaves Benefits: Curry leaves used in South Indian dishes are famous in every household today. It has become an important part of the Indian kitchen. It gives a different taste to the food as soon as it is tempered. But do you know that along with taste, it is also known for its medicinal … Read more

Health gets tremendous benefits from this fruit used in pizza toppings…you also know

Olive Health Benefits: You all must know about olive oil. Keeping health in mind in many homes, food is prepared in olive oil only. This oil is obtained from a fruit named Olive. Just imagine if olive oil is so beneficial then how much benefit would be there from eating olive. Today we are telling … Read more

Just ride a bicycle for a few minutes daily…the fat will melt instantly.

World Bicycle Day: It is very important to do physical activity to keep yourself healthy. However, in this busy lifestyle, the physical activity of the people has reduced a lot. Because of this people are suffering from many serious diseases. Everyone is troubled by obesity, but do you know that if you take a little … Read more

Buttery taste…Beneficial for heart and eyes…Have you ever tasted this fruit?

Avocado Benefits : By the way, all the fruits are full of nutrients and give a lot of benefits to the health. But the matter of avocado is something else. This is the reason why this fruit is counted among the selected popular fruits of the world. Its taste is a bit like butter, hence … Read more

If you do not want to fall ill in summer, then include this green juice in your diet from today itself.

Green Juice Health Benefits: The summer heat is continuing since the month of March and these days the problem of heatwave has increased a lot. The Meteorological Department has also issued an alert regarding the heatwave. Now one thing is clear from this that health has to be taken care of in this season. Along … Read more

Drink a cup of fenugreek tea daily… both weight and diabetes will be under control

Methi Chai Health Benefits: Fenugreek seeds are one of the very important spices found in the Indian kitchen. It is used in different dishes for its great taste and aroma. Fenugreek is the perfect spice to add flavor to food, but do you know how beneficial it is for health apart from taste. If you … Read more