These 5 foods dry up all the water in the body in summer

The body temperature remains elevated in the summer season. Although some people like to eat such food items despite the severe heat, which generate more heat in the body. In fact, it is considered better to consume such food items in summer, which help in keeping the body cool. But most people knowingly or unknowingly … Read more

If you want to stay away from diseases in summer then definitely eat these 10 superfoods

Summer Foods: The summer season has knocked. In such a situation, it is very important for you to take care of yourself. In summer, there is always a danger of problems like dehydration, heatstroke, sunburn and heat rash. However, by adopting a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to good food, you can keep yourself safe … Read more

Irritation is happening due to heat and sweating, then this food will make the mood fresh

Food That Helps To Prevent Mood Swing: Summer means scorching sun, sun-induced sweating and stickiness. No matter how much you stay in AC or cooler, it is difficult to escape from this effect of summer season. This weather has a direct effect on our mood. By repeatedly wiping the sweat or by setting the temperature … Read more