बिना इंसुलिन के भी मैनेज कर सकते हैं बढ़ा हुआ ब्लड शुगर लेवल, बस अपनाएं ये टिप्स

बिना इंसुलिन के भी मैनेज कर सकते हैं बढ़ा हुआ ब्लड शुगर लेवल, बस अपनाएं ये टिप्स

How to control blood sugar without insulin: .. .. . लेकिन, अब बदलती और अनहेल्दी डाइट की वजह से यह तेजी से सामने आ रही. मौजूदा समय में कम उम्र के बच्चे भी इससे ग्रसित हो रहे ह. डायबिटीज की कई बार आनुवांशिक कारणों की वजह से भी जाती है. Keep going. जब पैन्क्रियाज इन्सुलिन … Read more

Diabetes Myths Broken: Dispelling 5 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day

Diabetes Myths Broken: Dispelling 5 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day

Widely considered to be a disease that robs the life of a patient of fun and joy, some myths about diabetes will shock you. Busting Diabetes Myths: Debunking 5 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day According to the World Health Organization, diabetes alone is responsible for 2 percent of all deaths in India. Diabetes is … Read more

Diabetes Myths Broken: Dispelling 7 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day

Diabetes Myths Broken: Dispelling 7 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day

Widely considered to be a disease that robs the life of a patient of fun and joy, some myths about diabetes will shock you. Busting Diabetes Myths: Debunking 7 Popular Myths on World Diabetes Day According to the World Health Organization, diabetes alone is responsible for 2 percent of all deaths in India. Diabetes is … Read more

Diabetes can be completely cured, know how

Diabetes can be completely cured, know how

How Diabetes Can Cured: Diabetes i.e. sugar has become such a disease in today’s time, one or the other patient will be found in every other house. Sugar is such a disease, which occurs due to genetic reasons and also due to lifestyle reasons. On this basis it is called diabetes type-1 and diabetes type-2. … Read more

Avoid eating these 7 things pre-diabetic, diabetes will never touch

Avoid eating these 7 things pre-diabetic, diabetes will never touch

World Diabetes Day: Diabetes is such a disease, due to which people start having serious problems like kidney disease, stroke, blindness, heart attack. To avoid this, it is very important to have a healthy diet, exercise every day, stay away from alcohol, cigarettes or tobacco. Diabetes can be controlled only by specialist doctor’s treatment, periodic … Read more

Know where the first patient of diabetes was found, this was the first problem

Know where the first patient of diabetes was found, this was the first problem

Changing food habits and lifestyle are the result of many new serious diseases. Due to bad lifestyle, people are facing many diseases today. One of these serious diseases is diabetes. World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14 November. It is celebrated on the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting. Sir Frederick Banting, along with … Read more

Can You Reverse Diabetes With A Raw Food Diet?

Can You Reverse Diabetes With A Raw Food Diet?

Every two days a new name appears as ‘diet trend’. We all find it fascinating and the idea of ​​trying it always crosses our minds. So why is this? It is because they promise you to reach your goals in a short time with shortcuts. The ‘raw food diet’ is a trend that claims to … Read more