दिन भर आती है उबासी तो ये थकान नहीं, इन बीमारियों का है संकेत! डॉक्टर से मिल लें

दिन भर आती है उबासी तो ये थकान नहीं, इन बीमारियों का है संकेत! डॉक्टर से मिल लें

  Excessive Yawning: उबासी लेना थके हुए शरीर की एक सामान्य प्रक्रिया है. जब हम थक जाते हैं या फिर किसी चीज से ऊब होने लगती है तो हम उबासी लेने लगते हैं. आमतौर पर लोग जब थक जाते हैं तो उनके हार्मोन्स शरीर को अलर्ट करने के लिए उबासी को ट्रिगर करते हैं. ये एक … Read more

If you yawn during yoga or workout, then it is not normal but it is a physical disorder.

If you yawn during yoga or workout, then it is not normal but it is a physical disorder.

Coronavirus has taught the whole world that ‘Health is Wealth’. To keep health right, there are many people who like to wake up in the morning and do workouts or yoga. Today we will mention in our article about those people who start yawning while doing exercise or yoga. Hearing this, some people may also … Read more

Why do we also start yawning on seeing others? What is the science behind it? learn here

Why do we also start yawning on seeing others?  What is the science behind it?  learn here

Yawning Reason’s: Have you ever noticed that whenever we see someone yawning, we start yawning too? Of course, you must have noticed this many times and must have wondered why this happens. Why do we get yawn just by looking at others? Actually, there are many reasons behind this happening, about which most people do … Read more