Yoga For Mental Clarity: Types of Meditation to Help You Focus Better | International Yoga Day 2023

Home Health Yoga for Mental Clarity: Types of Meditation to Help You Focus Better | International Yoga Day 2023 Yoga for Mental Clarity: Meditation helps you avoid buzzing thoughts in your mind and reach a level of clarity where you can better focus. Here are techniques that can help you do the same. Yoga for … Read more

Between the problems of office and home, if you want mental peace, then do these 4 yogasanas daily.

Yoga Day 2023: Yoga is most important for physical and mental health. Practicing yoga daily makes you strong. That is why we are advised to make Yoga a part of our daily routine. There are some yogas which increase our concentration and give mental peace. This is the reason why yoga is considered very beneficial … Read more

Know who are those 5 people who should be seen by a doctor before doing yoga

Yoga Day 2023: Yoga is very beneficial not only for our body but also for our mind and soul, so everyone is advised to do yoga. But do you know that there are some situations in which you have to consult experts before doing yoga, otherwise your situation may get worse. If you are also … Read more

International Yoga Day 2023: How Yoga Helps With Back and Shoulders After Long Hours of Sitting? 4 Asanas to Try

Home Lifestyle International Yoga Day 2023: How does yoga help your back and shoulders after long hours of sitting? 4 asanas to try International Yoga Day: This holistic approach to wellness not only brings physical relief but also promotes mental tranquility. Extended periods of sitting, whether in front of a computer, while traveling in a … Read more

Supporter is needed to do gym… so is it necessary in yoga too?

Some people wear supporter while doing gym. Today we will tell you whether it is necessary to wear a supporter even while doing yoga? Some people believe that there are benefits of wearing a supporter, while some people believe that it has many disadvantages as well. Let us first know what is a supporter? For … Read more

Those 3 asanas of yoga, which patients of blood pressure and diabetes must do

International Yoga Day 2023: Like every year, this year too ‘Yoga Day’ will be celebrated all over the world on 21st June. On the occasion of this International Yoga Day, we have brought something special for Diabetes and BP patients. Some special yoga easy. With the help of this yoga asana, you can control diabetes … Read more