Tips to Increase Kids Height : Has your child’s height also stopped? If he is not able to get good growth then there is no need to worry because many times the height is not able to increase due to lack of proper development of the body. The reason for not increasing the height of a child can be due to less work physically, not participating in sports, not having proper diet. Therefore, if you make a little change in your child’s lifestyle, then their height can increase. Let us know some such tips that can increase the height of your child.
Do yoga asanas in the morning and evening
Yogasanas are very important for the physical and mental development of children. If their height is not increasing then you can make them do yoga every morning and evening. There are many such asanas like Surya Namaskar, Trikonasana, Tadasana and Vrikshasana, which if done regularly can increase the height of children rapidly. You can also do yoga yourself with them to generate interest in children.
The body should hang to stretch
If the child hangs on to something in the morning and evening, which will soon start showing growth in his height. When children hang, it strengthens and stretches their back muscles. This helps a lot in increasing the height. By doing this every day, the spine also remains straight.
Height will increase with outdoor games and activities
Encourage children for outdoor games and activities. This increases the height well. If the child plays cycling, football or basketball, jumping rope or playing cricket, badminton, then there will be a significant change in his height. By doing such activities every day, fat will not accumulate in his body, he will not become fat and his height will look good.
good diet will increase height
If the diet of children is not right then their height will not be able to increase properly. So feed them nutritious food. Include fruits, dry fruits and juices in his breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Due to this his immunity will be strong and his body will develop, due to which the height will increase.
This is the most important work. If you want complete development of your child, then let him get enough sleep. Good sleep of children is very important for their physical development. Research says that most of the developmental processes in the body happen during sleep.
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