The 3 Worst Foods Shortening Your Life, New Study Says — Eat This Not That

Yes cow meat, chickenand dairy products are a regular part of your diet, then it might be time to make some changes to what lands on your plate.

That’s because these three food choices could shorten your lifeaccording to a study from Penn State University School of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania, through merck manual.

The potential danger lies in the fact that while beef, poultry, and dairy products contain sulfur amino acids, the study found that consuming large amounts of these acids can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and even have a fatal outcome.

eating a hamburger

When researchers looked at the results of nearly 120,700 participants in two long-term studies, they noted that those who consumed twice the amount of sulfur amino acids considered reasonable “had a 12 percent increased annual risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 28% increased risk of dying from the condition over the 32-year study period.” They also found that most of the sulfur amino acids came from foods such as beef, chicken, and dairy products.

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“The new research highlights that diets high in animal protein (that is, the surfer-containing amino acids in meat, poultry, and dairy) are linked to poorer health. And the typical American diet contains too many of these foods.” smooth youngPhD, RDN, author of Finally full, finally slimnutritionist in private practice and adjunct professor at NYU has Eat this, not that!. Young adds: “The study also shows that a heart healthy diet should include more fruits and vegetablesand vegetable proteins eat beans and nuts instead of meat and dairy.

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As for what the findings might mean when it comes to what you should — or shouldn’t — be eating, Young explains.

“We don’t need to completely eliminate foods high in sulfur amino acids like meat and dairy, but we need to focus on creating healthy dietary patternssays Young. “We shouldn’t just focus on those amino acids, but on creating healthy dietary patterns in general.”

For more information on creating healthy eating habits, be sure to read 9 Healthy Eating Habits to Live Over a Century, Dietitians Say.

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