The virus made 50% of the people a victim of these mental diseases, also slept

Corona Virus: Coronavirus has wreaked havoc not only in the country but in the world. Patients of Delta and Omicron variants were seen in every household. The Delta variant has killed thousands of people in the country. The havoc of the corona virus continued for 2 years. Although the central government has strengthened the immune system of the people by running a vaccination campaign, the corona virus is no longer that effective. Despite this, a large number of people are falling prey to other diseases. In the investigation of the doctor, it is coming out that people going for treatment of Kovid have become mental patients. Many other diseases have surrounded him. This virus has made those people sleepy

Patients made of depression and anxiety

In the investigation of doctors, it has come to the fore that out of those who have come under the grip of Kovid in the last 3 years, 50 percent of them have been found with mental patients. The problem of depression and anxiety was seen more in them. 26 percent have been found, who are unable to sleep properly. He has got sleep disorder. Anger has increased in some people.

More troubled people over 60 years old

If seen in adults and older people, this problem was seen more in those above 60 years of age. Of these, 50% are complaining of having anxiety. Doctors say that people have suffered due to Long Kovid. For a long time, people were imprisoned in their homes due to this virus. Virus has harmed them both socially and mentally.

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sore throat more bothersome

Another investigation has revealed that apart from the symptoms of fever, headache and cold, the most common symptom seen is a sore throat. Doctors say a sore throat is seen as a symptom in two-thirds of people with COVID.

A report revealed that fever and lack of smell and test in food are being seen in less people. Loss of appetite is still one of the typical symptoms of COVID. The report said that three out of ten adults reported loss of appetite at the start of the pandemic. Which is now appearing in four out of ten people over the age of 65. More than a quarter of people (25-27%) developed delta or omicron Informed about not feeling hungry.

Here are the other symptoms

Other symptoms that are commonly seen in people. They are runny nose, headache, sneezing, persistent cough, shortness of breath and sometimes fever. Fatigue was seen more in people during and after COVID. Different symptoms are appearing at different times. Symptoms like chest pain, sleep problems, loss of memory are also appearing.

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Covid Affected Children: Ladle is coughing again and again, has the virus weakened the lungs? read this report

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