There are so many benefits of eating dates in the morning that you will keep counting…

Dates Benefits: Keeping oneself healthy and fit is challenging in today’s fast changing lifestyle. Many times exercise or yoga is not possible due to lack of time. In such a situation, many people find different ways. For good health, we also make dieting good. Many people use dates in food.

Experts say that if you start the day with dates, then you will always be fit. Antioxidants are found in abundance in dates. This keeps diseases like cancer away. Dates are also considered good for heart health. Its use does not cause problems like constipation, metabolism, weight. Let’s know the right time to eat dates and its benefits.

why dates are beneficial

Dates are one such fruit, which is rich in antioxidants. Nutrients like iron, folate, protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6 are plentiful in it. It cures many types of diseases. It is also tasty and people use it because of the sweet taste.

When not to eat dates

Fructose is found in dates. If you consume dates on an empty stomach, it can upset the stomach. Eating dates on a full stomach is also not good. Because the stomach remains full after eating food and the fiber found in dates can increase the problem of digestion. This can cause swelling problems. During allergies and loose motion, one should stay away from dates. The sugar called sorbitol found in it is rich in alcohol and can greatly aggravate the problem.

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then when to eat dates

You can eat dates for breakfast or anytime during the day. Eating dates in the morning gives energy. It also kills intestinal worms. By eating dates in the morning, some parts of the body get cleaned well. Heart and liver health also improves. The antioxidants found in dates increase the glow of the face and also the age of the hair. It has many other benefits.

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