There is a problem in conceiving, these yogasanas will help

Yoga Tips For Women’s For a married couple, a child is the biggest means of completing the family. But in the run-of-the-mill life and modern lifestyle, fertility problems are increasing a lot in both men and women. In such a situation, women are not able to conceive even if they want. Couples run to the doctors for this problem and spend their time and money like water, but before going to the doctor, such couples can solve their problem on their own. Some time will have to be given for this. Here we are telling you some such Yoga Asanas which are very effective for you to avoid the problem of fertility. It is effective in increasing the fertility of women and men. Practicing these yogasanas regularly is beneficial for both body and mind. Know about these Yogasanas…

Surya Namaskar

This yoga asana proves to be very effective in getting rid of the problems that occur during menopause and not having a regular period. Surya Namaskar is considered very beneficial to reduce abdominal cramps during menstruation. There itself. The effect of menopause on the uterus of women and yogasana is beneficial even at the time of childbirth. According to experts, Surya Namaskar keeps you away from problems like damage to your sex glands.

butterfly seat

Butterfly posture stretches the muscles of the inner thighs, hips and knees. At the same time, doing this asana brings flexibility in the body. The daily practice of Butterfly Asana increases fertility. At the same time, this asana is also effective in reducing the severe pain experienced by women at the time of delivery.

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This asana stretches the muscles of your body. By doing Paschimottanasana, fertility increases. Apart from this, it also reduces your mental stress to a great extent.


Balasan can be very effective for both women and men to get rid of problems related to fertility. Yogasana is very beneficial to increase blood circulation in your body. Apart from this, by doing this asana, the muscles of your back, knees, hips and thighs get stretched.

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