There will be no thyroid problem, include these foods in daily diet

Thyroid Care: Thyroid is such a disease, which is considered mainly a disease of women. Although this problem also occurs in men, but the percentage of this disease is very high in women. In today’s time, most of the women definitely face the problem related to thyroid at some stage of their age. The reason for this is our changed lifestyle. Restlessness and not being physically active in daily life are also increasing this problem. Along with this, our diet has also become such, which works to increase the disease. Here you are being told about some such foods, which you can avoid with thyroid problem by including it in your daily diet and if you have got this disease then you can control it.

What are the nutrients needed to control thyroid?

In order not to disturb the problem of thyroid, it is necessary to have the right amount of certain nutrients in the body. so you
Be sure to be aware of these nutrients.

  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • zinc
  • selenium
  • magnesium
  • Vitamin B
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D

What to eat to avoid thyroid?
To avoid and control thyroid disease, you must include the foods mentioned here in your daily diet to get the nutrients mentioned above.

coconut more use
Coconut is very useful for thyroid. Metabolism remains correct by its consumption, which helps in regulating the secretion of thyroid hormones. You must eat coconut in your daily diet in the form of raw coconut, coconut water, coconut oil, coconut chutney, coconut milk etc.

Pumpkin Seeds
Most people start making mouth on hearing the name of pumpkin vegetable. But both this vegetable and pumpkin seeds are very nutritious. Especially to avoid the problem of thyroid, you must eat one to two spoons of pumpkin seeds every day.

eat amla every day

Amla is more beneficial than orange and pomegranate in terms of health. You can overcome the deficiency of many nutrients in the body by eating one raw amla every day. Whether you have a problem of hyperthyroid or hypothyroid, amla is very useful in controlling both the conditions.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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  Don't know what to eat to stay healthy? Learn from Harvard University scientists

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