These 4 cancers attack the people of Delhi the most.

In India, cases of serious diseases like cancer have increased a lot in the last few years. At present, its number seems to be decreasing. Recent statistics have shown that by the year 2026, the number of cancer patients is going to exceed 20 lakh every year. According to the report of ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), most of the women in Delhi are suffering from breast cancer. Whereas men are suffering from lung cancer. According to the ICMR cancer factsheet, data for 10 years has been collected. In which 27.8 percent women are suffering from breast cancer. At the same time, more than 10.5 percent men are suffering from lung cancer.

The data of these hospitals has been included in this special research.

10 years of data has been included in this research. Along with this, ICMR has included the data of 7 hospitals of Delhi for the year 2021 including NCDIR (National Center for Disease Informatics and Research). However, according to the report of the National Cancer Registry Program by the researcher, the data which has been included in this research. In this research, the data of many hospitals and the name of the disease have not been disclosed. The hospitals that have been included in the research. Their names include Dr BR Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, Max Cancer Centre, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Maulana Azad Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre.

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oral cancer and cervical cancer

The data also revealed that oral cancer and cervical cancer are the second most common cancers among men and women respectively. Oral cancer was seen in about 7.5 percent of male cancer patients and cervical cancer was seen in 10 percent of female cancer patients.

In addition, tobacco accounts for 41.2 percent of cancer cases in men and 12.4 percent in women in Delhi.

These 4 types of cancer patients are maximum in Delhi.

For your information, let us tell you that the number of cancer patients is increasing day by day in Delhi. This fact has been revealed in the recent research. Delhi has the maximum number of patients of four types of cancer such as oral, breast, cervical and lung cancer. These figures of Delhi, the capital of the country, are very frightening.

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