These habits of yours can make you a patient of BP, there is a strong connection between smoking, alcohol and BP.

Blood pressure : Smoking and drinking are injurious to health. Smoking and drinking are among the worst habits. Both of these can harm the body at dangerous levels. If distance is not made from them in time, then they can be fatal or can cause serious harm to health. Both are very harmful for the heart. Therefore, to keep the health of the heart healthy, distance should be kept from these habits. This makes your heart good, otherwise it can become a victim of many diseases.

The connection between smoking, drinking and blood pressure

According to health experts, smoking cigarettes can cause blood pressure problems. It also has a bad effect on the heart. While alcohol only works to increase this problem. Keeping balance regarding cigarette-alcohol is considered the key to good health. Let us know what nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee suggests regarding this…

1. Keep the body away from dangerous things like coffee, tobacco and alcohol. By using them you harm the body. Nutrition expert Anjali Mukherjee told that smoking cigarettes can increase the problem of blood pressure in a very short time.

2. Nutrition experts say that smoking cigarettes is very harmful for heart health. Due to this, the risk of heart attack can also increase significantly.

3. Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee says that alcohol consumption should be minimized as much as possible or should not be avoided. Because if you drink alcohol in excess, it makes you a patient of high BP and increases it significantly. may cause.

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4. According to health experts, people who live under pressure or stress, more of them are victims of high BP. Due to stress, there is also a possibility that they may go near alcohol.

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