This five-move shoulder workout will build upper body muscle and burn fat

If you’re looking to devote more attention to your shoulder muscles and are ready to build muscle mass and definition in your upper body area, incorporating some resistance training into your workout is a great place to start. This five-move routine will walk you through some of the basics of building shoulder muscles.

If you have used any of the best arm workouts In an upper body session before that, you’ve probably noticed that dumbbells are a very popular piece of equipment for building upper body muscles. These are classified as free weights and are staple equipment in most gyms, but if you’re working out from home, we recommend getting your hands on a couple of the best adjustable dumbbells.

Although this shoulder routine designed by a personal trainer Lisa Lanceford (opens in a new tab) It only includes five exercises, it varies the way it engages the shoulder muscles to work all the shoulder muscles. Therefore, you will need to use dumbbells and a cable machine. However, if you don’t have access to a cable machine, you can simply use a long rope resistance band and loop it around an object like a tree or stair railing. Our guide to best resistance bands provides suitable options if you want to try this exercise at home.

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