This home remedy can show effect in chronic constipation… just consume it in this quantity

Fastest Home Remedies For Constipation:These days everyone is troubled by the problem of constipation due to bad diet, bad lifestyle, junk food, lack of exercise. Although constipation is a very common problem, but if it happens to someone, it gives sleepless nights. The peace of the day ends..This is such a problem due to which the patient’s stomach is not cleaned properly, there is difficulty in bowel movement, laziness remains due to not being clean stomach, irritation is felt, There are problems like abdominal pain, heaviness, vomiting, headache, loss of appetite, loss of interest in any work. To deal with this problem, you can get relief by consuming some special things present in the kitchen. know about it

reason for constipation

  • lack of dietary fiber in the diet
  • late night dinner
  • drink less water
  • Eating fried chili spicy food made of fine flour.
  • binge eating
  • late night habit
  • Using pain killers in high doses for a long time.

This home remedy will give relief in constipation

Dry ginger will give relief in constipation-Take two to three spoons of roasted gram and grind it to make powder. Then add half teaspoon cumin powder and one teaspoon dry ginger powder to it. Prepare a mixture of these three things and consume it twice. By consuming this mixture before sleeping at night and after waking up in the morning, you can get relief from the problem of constipation.

Consumption of cumin celery-Take two spoons of cumin and add two spoons of celery seeds to it. Now add one spoon of black salt and mix it and keep it in a box. Eat one spoon of this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning and then drink half a glass of lukewarm water. This can also give you relief from constipation.

Will get relief from castor oil-If you are troubled by chronic constipation, then add one to two spoons of castor oil in a glass of warm milk and drink milk while sleeping at night, this home remedy is considered very useful to get rid of constipation.

Consumption of raisins-Raisins can be of great benefit in constipation. Soak about 8 to 10 raisins in water every night. Take out their seeds in the morning and then boil them in milk, take this milk it will give relief.

You will get relief from fennel-Fennel seeds increase gastric enzymes in the digestive system. Take half teaspoon of fennel powder daily with a glass of warm water. Apart from removing this problem, it also cleans the stomach properly.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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