This small spice used in the kitchen is the enemy of diabetes

Diabetes is such a disease, due to which crores of people are troubled, not only old people, but this disease has also started making children its victims. In such a situation, people also look for its alternative treatments, so that they do not have to depend on medicines only. Household things are also used for this. So let us tell you today about that small spice used in the kitchen which is the enemy of diabetes and can eliminate it from the root as well.

control diabetes with mace

Mace is such a spice which is used in everything from vegetables to casseroles. Actually, it is the bark of the nutmeg tree which is used as a hot spice in the house. But you will be surprised to know that this small mace is effective in the treatment of many serious diseases. It controls blood sugar level, boosts immunity, even improves kidney and heart function.

Use mace like this

You can use mace in many ways. You can use it in Pulao, you can add it as a spice in any gravy vegetable or you can consume it by making powder. According to experts, if you like to drink tea, then make mace tea and consume it, it keeps blood sugar level under control.

Nutrients found in mace

Many nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, folate and riboflavin are found in mace. It contains an enzyme called alpha amylase, which works to reduce the amount of sugar in our body. Apart from controlling sugar, it also cures insulin resistance, as well as protects our body from infection.

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