This tea will clean the blood, you will get amazing benefits

Blood Purify Natural Tea: To stay healthy, such things should be included in the diet, so that the dirt accumulated in your body gets cleaned. You should include body detox drinks in the diet. Today we are telling you such natural tea which will work to clean your dirty blood. By drinking this tea, your body will be healthy and will work to deliver oxygen to all the organs. By drinking this tea, the toxins bar will come out and your body will naturally drink.

  • Coriander-mint tea- You can drink tea made of coriander and mint leaves. Take 1 glass of water in a vessel and put some mint leaves and coriander leaves in it. After boiling it for 10 minutes, drink it lukewarm like tea. Coriander mint tea is very beneficial in the morning.
  • Tulsi tea- Eating 8-10 leaves of basil daily purifies the blood. You can also use basil leaves in morning and evening tea. To make Tulsi tea, put 10-15 basil leaves in a glass of water and cook it for 10 minutes. Now filter this water and drink it like tea.
  • lemon tea- The acidic properties present in lemon cleans the dirt of the blood. Drinking a glass of lemon water every day purifies the blood. Due to this, the bad toxins get out through the toilet. Drink the juice of half a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water every morning after waking up on an empty stomach.
  • Ginger and jaggery tea Jaggery flushes out the toxins present in the body. This helps in purifying the blood. You should drink jaggery and ginger tea. For this, grind or grind some ginger in 1 big cup of water and add a small piece of jaggery. Cook it for 5-6 minutes and then filter it and drink it.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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