To protect the child from malnutrition and to make him strong from inside, then keep his diet chart like this.

Diet for Malnutrition In Kids: Malnutrition ie Malnutrition is such a disease that can happen to any child or elder. This disease is especially common in children. This problem is widespread in underdeveloped countries. Even in our country, in areas where there is a lot of poverty, children can become victims of malnutrition. If not taken care of, the disease can occur in the children of middle class people or even in those where there is no shortage of food and drink. In fact, many children become very selective in eating, even in excessive pampering, due to the food of their choice, they do not get the nutrition that the body needs. If children want to be protected from this disease and make them strong from inside, then feed this kind of food.

malnourishment food
Malnutrition, especially in children, leads to a lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals, which can stop the development of their body and mind. The food of the child should be whole grains, fruits, milk and plenty of water so that he gets proper nutrition. Also, consult a doctor and feed multivitamins, iron and miller’s medicines for a few days. Malnutrition can also be cured by feeding the right food at home. Know what kind of food should be fed to children up to 5 years.

Breakfast- Feed homemade dishes to children in the morning breakfast. Paratha, milk porridge, salty porridge can be kept in healthy options. Avoid things like sauce, oats and bread with paratha.

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Snacks- Give milk to the child according to his age and diet in mid snacks. If you have taken milk in porridge in the morning, then you can give banana or any seasonal fruit.

Lunch- Feed lentils, roti, vegetables, rice and curd to the child in the meal. Sometimes small children do not eat vegetables or pulses, then vegetable parathas can be made for them. Or grind the lentils and feed it with roti and paratha.

Evening Snacks- Give 1 glass of milk to the child in the evening. If you want, you can give biscuits or roasted makhana, gram, 1-2 cashews or a little dryfruit of any choice.

Dinner- In the dinner, feed the child with roti, vegetable or whatever routine food is prepared. If the child has an early dinner, then milk can be given to him while sleeping.
Keep these things in mind in children’s diet

Small children do not become weak in a day and will not become fat in a day, so pay attention to their food and drink for several months continuously. Cut fast food, toffee chocolate, chips, packed juices from their diet to zero. Also, take care that there should not be too much of anything in homemade food, do not feed too much ghee, oil, cheese, eggs or sweets. Give healthy and balanced food in which complete nutrition is available.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.
read this also: Kids Health: Is baby getting too thin? May be a victim of malnutrition, know the symptoms

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