Too much exercise can shorten your lifespan; here’s the ideal amount of exercise for a long life | The Times of India

Many people take their health and fitness for granted in their youth. That’s the safest time for intense workouts like heavy cardio training.

After age 40 or 45, the heart is much less resistant and more prone to cardiac overuse injuries, James O’Keefe, MD, cardiologist and medical director of the Duboc Cardio Health & Wellness Center at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, he told Markham Heid.

So as you get older, instead of waking up to actively exercise now, you should focus more on less strenuous forms of physical activity, like walking, yoga, biking, gardening, etc.

Yes, your physical capacity may decrease with this change, but you won’t risk your mortality rate and you’ll be more likely to gain life expectancy.

Read more: 5 back strengthening exercises for women


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