Troubled by the problem of bleeding piles, get rid of these home remedies

Bleeding Piles Problem: Due to lack of proper diet in the run-of-the-mill life and eating unhealthy things from outside, many types of diseases have started happening. Piles are also included in these, which is becoming a common problem today. Piles are also known as piles or haemorrhoids. Piles patients have to face pain and difficulty while passing stool. Along with this, blood also comes out during this. This is called Bleeding Piles. There are difficulties in getting up and sitting due to piles. Let’s know the home remedies for relief from Piles…

cause of piles

There can be many reasons for piles. Piles can also be triggered due to long-standing constipation or diarrhea. According to health experts, piles are of two types, internal and external. Internal piles starts inside the anus, while external piles causes problems outside the anus. In case of piles, people often go to the doctor and take medicine. Today we are going to tell you some such home remedies, with the help of which you can get rid of piles at home.

take a sitz bath

According to health experts, piles patients should sit in hot water for about 15 minutes. Especially after having a bowel movement. It is also called sitz bath. The necessary tools for this are available at any medical store. It can also be done comfortably in the bathtub.

Isabgol husk is very useful

Often people use Isabgol husk to strengthen digestion power. There is a lot of fiber in it and it makes the stool soft. However, use it in controlled quantity only, otherwise there may be problems of gas and cramps.

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treatment with aloe vera

Swelling can be reduced with the help of aloe vera. However, it has not been confirmed whether this will provide relief in piles inflammation or not. It can be used outside the anus or not.

cold compress

Along with swelling and bleeding, there is a lot of pain when piles occurs. Ice pack can be applied on the anus to get relief from it. Using for about 15 minutes will give relief in swelling.

uses of figs

Fig gives relief in many diseases. Soak figs in water at night and then eat it on an empty stomach in the morning. Eating this way everyday will give quick relief in piles.

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