UK: Prince Harry attracts criticism after giving advice on mental health to employees

Prince Harry is once again in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. The Duke of Sussex has asked employers to give staff time off so they can practice meditation and work on themselves each morning. Harry said he spends about 45 minutes a day practicing meditation, which he started after exhaustion. Harry had previously stepped away from working as a member of the royal family in 2020, describing his experience of burnout as “burning the candle at both ends”.

The Duke joined BetterUp, a mental wellness app, as Impact Director in March 2021. Before completing a year with the company, the UK Prince took part in the one-day event and spoke on various topics at the BetterUp virtual panel, where he is regarded as one of the top influencers. “From an employer’s perspective, you can’t expect your people to push themselves when you’re not giving them the time to do it,” Prince Harry was quoted as saying. Sputnik.

Along with Harry, CEO Alexi Robichaux, tennis player Serena Williams and Harry’s wife Meghan Markle also attended the event. “It’s very important for employers to say, if you have the opportunity to do it in your spare time, that’s great, but we’ll make it part of your routine at work. If everyone was doing that, the shift in global awareness and consciousness would be enormous “. He further stated: “If you are a business leader, [it’s] Also for your employees.

UK: Prince Harry Draws Sharp Reactions After Giving Employees Mental Health Advice

Recalling his life in California with his wife, Meghan, and their two children, Archie and Lilibet, the Duke offered advice for employers and employees. Harry said he makes sure to schedule “blanks” every morning, despite having two young children. However, his advice on mental health did not go down well with several users on social media questioning Harry’s familiarity with hard work. The video of Harry’s suggestions was shared by BetterUp on Twitter, where the post received strong reactions from netizens. One user took to the comments section and wrote: “This guy has no idea”, another person expressed: “And how a low-income victim who has been raped and beaten, without access to corporate “life coaching” ” starts “internal work ?” For the people I work with on a daily basis, this is life or death. Do better!” A third user’s comment read: “The words ‘work’ and ‘mental fitness’ are the last things that come to mind when I see Harry smh.”

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Image: AP

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