Unlike chemo, radiotherapy, this technique will eliminate cancer!

Cancer Study: There is hopeful news for the treatment of cancer patients. If the scientists’ test is successful, then new technology will be developed in the treatment of cancer. Doctors say that cancer is a deadly disease. The reason behind this is that information about this disease is rarely available in the first stage. In the advanced stage, people start showing symptoms. By then it is too late. Scientists are also constantly doing research to deal with cancer. Now scientists have developed such a new technique.

CRISPR Gene Editing Technique will cure
Scientists have used CRISPR Gene Editing Technique for the first time. The gene will be inserted in it. Due to which the immune cells will attack the cancer cells and work to eliminate them. This technique will not have any negative effect on normal cells. The effect of immunotherapy will also increase rapidly. This gene editing technique has previously been used to delete specific genes in humans. With this, the immune system can be activated to fight against cancer cells.

Study published in the journal Nature
The study was published in this regard in the journal Nature. The study reported that CRISPR was used not only to knock out specific genes, but also to introduce some new genes into the immune system. With this, genes and cells will be able to easily identify changes in the patient’s cancer cells. The researchers said that when patients are back-infected, CRISPR-engineered immune cells begin to recognize cancer cells. A group of cells against cancer is formed at that place. A person’s immune system consists of specific receptors on immune cells. They can specifically recognize cancer cells and differentiate them from normal cells.

  Sarcoma cancer is a fatal disease, be aware that the risk increases the most in these people.

separates cancer cells
Immune receptors are used to detect cancer using gene editing. For this, directions are given to the immune cells. Scientist says that this is a big leap in the treatment of cancer. It is very important to isolate the immune receptor and identify cancer cells and treat them.

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