Video games are dangerous for children’s heart health, how to get rid of addiction, know what the study says

Video Games : Children love video games a lot. His mind takes a lot of it. They spend many hours playing video games, but it has a very dangerous effect on their health. Video game players may not see any harm in it, but this activity generates an adrenaline rush.

Some time ago, a research conducted in this Australia has revealed that playing video games for a long time can increase heart diseases in children. According to a report, due to video games, the heartbeat starts playing abnormally and it can sometimes prove to be fatal for children who are already suffering from cardiac problems.

What does research say

Research has found that there are many children who are surrounded by heart-related diseases, they also play multi-player war games on consoles and computers. This was revealed in a report published on ‘Heart Rhythm’. However, researchers are not entirely sure what games children play. According to their research, children or adults reach the extreme excitement level while playing games. Many times they also have fights with their fellow players, where it is seen that after fighting they fall ill.

Experts opinion

In such a situation, experts have also given a warning in this matter. At the same time, his advice is that children who feel blackout while playing games on the computer, that is, they lose consciousness while playing, then they should be taken to the doctors of the heart immediately. According to him, this indicates a serious problem related to the heart.

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problems in children

Blackouts, increased heartbeat and dizziness during gaming are the typical symptoms of this problem. By showing it to the experts in time, this problem can be prevented from increasing. Never ignore these reactions caused by video games. It can be fatal for your loved ones. At the same time, asking the child to play other games apart from video games, can also motivate them to play outdoor games. This will be very good for their health and growing age.

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