Want to eat something sweet, but diabetes is becoming a villain, so this option is the best in sweets

Diabetes Tips : Nowadays, due to wrong lifestyle and poor diet, the disease of diabetes is spreading rapidly. If you look at one figure, in India alone more than 8 crore people are in the grip of diabetes. By 2030, this figure will be 9.8 crore and by 2045, the number of diabetes patients in the country will reach 13.5 crore. This is the reason that now India is also being called Capital of Diabetes. If diabetic patients eat even a little bit of sweets, then their blood sugar increases a lot. But avoiding sweets is also difficult for a diabetic. However, if they feel like eating sweets, then they can consume 5 things. It also keeps their blood sugar under control.

Diabetes patients should eat these 5 things instead of sweets

dark chocolate

According to a health website, if you are a diabetic and you are craving for sweets, then dark chocolate can be a good option. They are very healthy. Flavonoid compound is found in these, which works to protect insulin from resistance. Dark chocolate also works to protect diabetes patients from the damage caused to the heart due to increased sugar.

Banana Ice Cream

If diabetes patients feel like eating sweets, then they can eat banana ice cream. Fiber is mainly found in bananas. It works to slow down sugar absorption. According to health experts, if a diabetes patient eats a banana daily, then the amount of blood sugar and bad cholesterol starts decreasing in just one month.


Often you must have heard or read somewhere that by eating an apple daily, you will not have to go to the doctor. It is said so because apple is a mine of nutrients. Due to the low carbohydrate content, its glycemic index is very low. Which does not allow the blood sugar level to rise.

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Diabetes patients can eat grapes if they feel like eating sweets. It is a healthy and fiber rich fruit. Red grapes are amazingly effective. Many types of antioxidants and polyphenols are found in it, which works to reduce oxidative stress and diabetes problems.


If diabetes patients feel like eating sweets, then they can eat pears. It is a great source of fiber. Pear works to slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood and also does not allow the blood sugar level to rise. According to a research, pear is a panacea for diabetic people.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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