Waterford woman cut down on casual drinking and saw amazing weight loss progress

Grace Drohan has been trying to lose weight on and off for years, and tried a number of diet plans that didn’t work for her.

However, it was during lockdown that he decided he was really going to do this, and since then he has lost two stones, which has made an amazing difference to his health and confidence.

The Waterford woman told RSVP Live: “I had been trying to lose weight since I was 20 years old. That’s when I started gaining it.

“There wasn’t a point where I could pinpoint that I wanted to start losing weight. When I turned 21, I was out with my family and I had my mandatory ‘I’m 21 Today’ badge, and a woman in the bathroom came up to me and said : ‘Oh, you’re 21 years old! I would have given you 40’.

“I remember dressing for my 21st and dressing older because plus size clothing was an old style.”

Read more:Offaly’s Wife Achieved Incredible Three-Stone Weight Loss With Simple Diet Changes

Eight years ago, Grace decided to join Slimming World and found some success, but around that time she met her partner and, as some do when in a relationship, she gained some weight.

“It was really a lockdown that I thought, I need to do this,” Grace said. “There is no pub, no endless lunches with the girls, I just need to adopt healthy eating and exercise.

“I had never really been out of Slimming World, but I was doing it my way. I would overeat, binge and go over my calories, and then try to recover from Monday to Friday, and then do it again. opening an envelope, so the lockdown was good in the sense that I couldn’t get out.

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Although two stones may be small for some, they can make a big difference: Grace feels much better about herself.
(Image: Instagram)

Grace threw herself into staying with Slimming World plan and he took his dog for walks very often and he really loved walking.

“It’s such a simple thing that you don’t really realize what walking does for your mental and physical health,” she said.

“I had a lightbulb moment, I was like, oh, this works,” he said. “The only thing that bothered me was drinking.

“I love a drink with good times, to celebrate and to relax in the evenings.”

However, due to the high calories of alcohol, this was the only thing that kept him from ride. Grace stopped drinking for three months and saw amazing results.

The same dress two stones later is much more comfortable and flattering.
The same dress two stones later is much more comfortable and flattering.
(Image: Instagram)

“Sometimes I think two stones isn’t much, but it is,” Grace said. “Especially for the normal person who wants to be healthier. Sometimes I see those massive transformations and I wish I could do that, but I need to stop looking at that.

“I’m going to celebrate the two stones. It’s made a huge difference in my clothes and fitness.”

Grace has created an Instagram account to show off her meals and progress. you can check here.

Read more:Cork woman Sharon O’Mahony’s life has been transformed after an incredible eight-stone weight loss

Read more:Cork’s mother, Caroline Bailey, is a new woman after throwing a huge stone five and a half years.

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