Weight loss story: “I quantified my meals and did weight training to lose 35 kilos” | The Times of India

Basically all my meals are quantified. I measured it and then I prepared the meals.

My breakfast: Oatmeal/milk/almonds/whole eggs. Quantity changes based on progress made.

My lunch: Rice/Chicken/green vegetables/curd. All meals are quantified again.

My dinner: Rice or wheat flour/chicken/green vegetables

Pre-workout meal: Black coffee and simple sugars from some fruits (Seasonal)

Post Workout Meal: Whey Protein

I indulge (what you eat on your cheat days): I used to enjoy my cheat days without any regrets because I used to be on the right track after cheat meals. I like to eat some sweets to satisfy my cravings.

Low calorie recipes I swear by: I used to make vegetable salad, fruit mix with yogurt/curd.


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