Wellness Wednesday: Houseplants and the positive impact on your mental health

LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) – We all know that houseplants can add to our space and give it some life, but they can actually affect your life in many positive ways, especially your mental health.

Experts say that for those who especially struggle to get outside during these cold months, having plants is an easy way to bring a bit of nature indoors.

Katie Jenson of the Gundersen Health System says that having plants will improve your mood and help with creativity and productivity because it gives you something to look forward to and look after, which ultimately helps reduce stress.

“When you’re in those seasons where maybe times are really tough or you just don’t feel like you want to do much or you just don’t feel like getting out of bed, having those houseplants are really there to give you emotional support because it’s giving you something to look forward to.” especially if your plants start out very small and you want them to get really big,” Jenson said.

“It just gives you that purpose of getting up every morning or evening and giving them a little water and they will reward you with flowering or growth, depending on which plant you end up choosing.”

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to houseplants, start small! Try a succulent or cactus, as these are usually the easiest plants to care for.

Some local stores that you can visit to buy plants are:


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