What are the three categories of abortions in India called? Know the procedure for getting an abortion

Abortion Procedure: The Supreme Court has said that all women in India have the right to have a safe and legal abortion. In fact, a few months ago, when the US Supreme Court basically abolished the constitutional right of abortion in its country, around the same time a case of abortion in India caught everyone’s attention.

The Delhi High Court had dismissed the plea for abortion of a 24-week pregnant woman. Then that 25-year-old pregnant woman reached the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, while giving permission for abortion, said that the woman is unmarried, so she cannot be stopped from having an abortion. In today’s news, we are going to tell you about the procedure of getting an abortion with the law of abortion in India.

Abortion law in India

“Indian abortion law does not discriminate whether a woman is married or unmarried. If the woman is an adult (above 18 years), it is her right to terminate her unwanted pregnancy if she so desires. also allows a woman up to 24 weeks to have an abortion.”

Amendments to the MTP ACT (1971)

As per the MTP ACT (1971), abortion is legal in India. However it has been modified later. The woman has got the right of abortion by following the MTP ACT. In India, abortion was allowed up to 20 weeks in the first few cases, but after the amendment of this law in 2021, this time limit was increased to 24 weeks. Apart from this, in some special cases, permission for abortion can be taken even after 24 weeks. Abortion in India is divided into three categories.

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1. 0 to 20 weeks of pregnancy

If the woman is not mentally ready to become a mother or if the contraceptive method or device has failed and the woman has become pregnant even if she does not want to, then she can get the abortion done. For this, only the written permission of a registered doctor is necessary.

2. From 20 to 24 weeks of pregnancy

If there is any kind of threat to the mental/physical health of the mother or the child, then the woman can get the abortion done. However, written permission of two doctors is necessary in such cases.

3. After 24 weeks of pregnancy

If a woman has been a victim of sexual harassment or rape, then in such a case, abortion can be done even after 24 weeks. Abortion can be done even if pregnant, minor, disabled, mentally ill. If the woman’s marital status changes during pregnancy (she gets divorced or becomes a widow), she can also get abortion done.

What is abortion procedure?

According to Dr. Neha Bothra, Obstetrics and Gynecologist at Fortis Hospital (Vashi, Mumbai), abortion sometimes happens naturally, which is called spontaneous abortion and when pregnancy is terminated medically, it is called medical abortion. goes. There are different methods of medical termination. Now in which way the abortion is to be done, it depends on many things, like how many months the pregnancy is, how is the physical condition of the woman, whether the woman has any medical condition like heart problem, high BP, anesthesia or not etc. .

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In medical procedure, abortion is done through drugs. Apart from this, the second method is the surgical method, in which the uterus is emptied. Surgical method is used in advanced pregnancy. Abortion is done by giving a delivery pen at 4 to 5 months (12 to 20 weeks) of pregnancy.

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